Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Health Problems Related to Your Height

If you are unhappy with your height, and want to be very tall, then you should think again. We agree that your height plays a crucial role in how you look; it even defines your personality. However, did you know that height is linked to a variety of health problems, right from cardiovascular diseases or Alzheimer's to cancer? Research has shown that there are some diseases and illnesses that seem to affect people of a specific height more frequently than others. 

While it is not completely clear how your stature poses a risk to your health, this Buzzle article educates you about certain health problems that arise, in which, apart from other factors, your height also plays a major role. 

Health Issues In Taller People 

 According to the American Cancer Society, the average woman's lifetime cancer risk is 38.2%. Researchers found that with every extra 10 cm increase in height, the risk of cancer of the kidneys, rectum, blood, or thyroid increased by 23% to 29%, and their risk of skin, breast, ovary, or colon cancer rose by 13% to 17%. Another study published in 2008, in the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention journal, mentioned that taller men were at a higher risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer. Scientists believe that because taller people have more number of cells and larger organs in their body, they are at an increased risk. Dietary habits, secretion of growth hormones, and environmental factors may also be a reason for the increased risk of cancer in taller people. 

Strain Injuries 
Because of the increased length of their bones, taller people are more vulnerable to strain injuries. This happens because tall people need to adjust themselves to equipment designed for people with an average height. So yes, taller people are more likely to suffer from repetitive strain injuries, the most common being Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, caused by compression of the nerves in the wrist. 'Epicondylitis' or 'tennis-elbow', tendonitis or inflammation of the tendons between bones and muscles, and conditions affecting the muscles and the working of the limbs are some of the other condition that can affect taller people. Lower back pain is also a very common condition that taller people suffer from. 

 Traumatic Injuries 
According to research, people who are over 6 feet tall are 27% more likely to be injured in a car crash than someone under 6 feet tall. Their height makes them more vulnerable to serious injuries in crashes or other traumatic events. Also, since protective devices are designed for people with average height, these devices may not work optimally for tall people, and may make them uncomfortable. At times, just using equipment made for the average-sized people can cause injuries to taller people. 

Health Issues in Shorter People 

 Cardiovascular Diseases 
A study published in the European Heart Journal states that being shorter increases your risk of heart diseases. A review of more than 52 recent studies that involved more than 3 million people of both sexes found that shorter people have a 50% increased risk of heart disease than taller people. How exactly is short stature associated with this increased risk is still being researched, and scientists may come up with possible answers for this in the near future. 

Serious strokes are also found to be more common among shorter people. An Israeli study published in the American Heart Association Journal mentions that men who were in the shortest quartile were at a 54% higher risk of stroke than men in the tallest quartile. Whether this is because of nutrition or hormonal factors, or an association between various environmental or external conditions, strokes are found to affect shorter people more seriously. 

Alzheimer's Disease 
A 2007 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease found that men who were taller than 5 feet 10 inches had a 59% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease than those whose height was less than 5 feet 6 inches. According to Alzheimer's Association, almost 5.2 million Americans are affected by Alzheimer's. The risk of this disease increases with age, though heredity is also a major risk factor of developing this disease. 

How your stature poses a greater risk to these diseases is yet to be known, and scientists are still trying to find answers to these questions. However, there is nothing to worry about, as a balanced diet, proper nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle is still the key to your fitness and wellness. Following this will keep most diseases at bay.

What is a Balanced Health Triangle?

The term 'health triangle' was conceptualized in 1997 by 120 eighth-graders of the Tanana Middle School in Fairbanks, Alaska. The students were given a task of writing essays on health problems that plagued them and other eight graders in their district. The research was part of the district's health curriculum that took approximately 10 days to finish. Everyday 1 hour of school time was dedicated to analyzing and pondering over various health issues. Finally, the study boiled down to researching on key aspects of health―physical, mental, and social―that affected overall well-being. The health triangle correlates all 3 aspects of health, meaning if any one aspect is not healthy, it can have a negative impact on the other two. It is elaborated below: 

 Consider a party person who may show good social skills, but the habit of partying late at night can disturb his sleeping pattern, in turn, affecting his physical and mental health. Now, consider a person who religiously follows his diet and exercise, but ignores attending social events and interacting with friends. This lack of social mobility can also be bad for mental health as the person may feel isolated, which may lead to depression. So, one can see how the sides of the triangle that stand for different aspects of life are interdependent on each other. Therefore, it is essential to balance all the sides of the triangle to achieve overall well-being. A balanced health triangle is an indication of high levels of well-being and life satisfaction. The following Buzzle article elaborates more on ways to have a balanced health triangle. 

Balancing Health Triangle 
In order to achieve a balanced health triangle, it is necessary to take care of the physical, mental, and social aspect of the health. Lifestyle changes that promotes overall well-being is the key to balancing the personal health triangle. It is discussed below. 

Choose Healthy Foods 
Making wise food choices is critical to balance the health triangle. Eating nutritious foods should be your top priority as it has a positive impact on your physical health and quality of life. The physical side of the health triangle depends on eating healthy foods. Follow a well-balanced diet, which means, eat healthy foods from each food group. Vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, and proteins are the 5 food groups that provide ample nutrition. Add variety to your diet by including different foods within each food group. Fat-free milk, low-fat yogurt, beans, peas, nuts (almonds and walnuts), salmon, and lean meat are some of the healthy choices from dairy and protein food groups. When it comes to eating healthy, one simply cannot forget fruits and vegetables that are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Eating vegetables in the form of salads is an easy way to add nutrition to your diet. As far as grains are concerned, choose whole grain products as they are more nutritious than refined grain products. 

Exercise Daily 
Besides eating healthy foodstuffs, it is imperative to exercise daily to stay physically fit. Exercising for at least half an hour can go a long way in keeping you fit and fine. Simple low-impact activity, such as brisk walking for around 45 minutes, can provide high health dividends and balance the physical aspect of the triangle of health. If possible, you could go to a gym and get a good dose of cardio and weight training. In case you feel exercising at a gym is not your cup of tea, there are other ways to stay in shape. Going for swim or playing sports like soccer, basketball, and tennis, or any other activity that you enjoy along with your friends, can also help you to stay fit. 

Stay Mentally Active 
While physical activity is important, one should not ignore the mental aspect of life to achieve a balanced health triangle. So, to stay mentally active, one can solve crosswords, jigsaws, puzzles or any other brain teasers. These brain exercising games that boost mental activity have been proven to reduce the risk of age-related mental decline. Practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation and yoga, can also help improve mental health. 

Avoid Unhealthy Influences 
To maintain good health and to stay in the best of shape, refrain from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Smoking and risky sexual behavior along with poor eating habits can negatively affect all 3 sides of the health triangle; hence, these need to be avoided. 

Practice Good Grooming 

Practicing good grooming habits makes us feel good, which in turn has a positive impact on our physical and mental health. This also facilitates social interactions. So, make sure you shower everyday, wear deodorant, brush twice daily, put on clean, ironed clothes, wash your hands and shave whenever necessary, comb your hair, and most importantly, ensure that your shoes are clean and well-polished. These habits of good personal hygiene can also help increase confidence, self-esteem, and moreover, encourage positive interactions. 

Take Rest 
Yes, exercise and healthy diet are crucial for good health, but that does not mean you should ignore rest. Inadequate rest or sleep can lead to medical issues and ruin your health. Not taking enough sleep has been linked to obesity, behavioral problems, and weight gain. So, make sure that you get enough 'shut eye' (7 to 9 hours) to stay healthy and feel energetic throughout the day. 

Be Social 

The social aspect is as important as physical and mental aspect of your health, in balancing the health triangle. Research has shown that social interaction also has a positive influence on our health. A healthy social life can go a long way in reducing stress, elevating our mood and enabling us to manage the ups and downs in life in a better way. Being surrounded by good friends is a lot more comforting, and provides social and emotional support especially in times of grief. Friends and companionship can act as an emotional healer and can have a major impact on our well-being. As simple as sharing meals can help strengthen relationships. You can improve your social health by making new friends and taking part in group games that help nurture friendships.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Biopsychosocial Model

Did You Know? 

The man who is believed to have suggested the biopsychosocial model before Engel, is Roy Grinker. He undertook training in psychoanalysis from Sigmund Freud himself. 

The biopsychosocial model proposed by George Engel in the late 1970s claims that health, wellness, and disease are dependent upon the interaction between three factors: biological or physiological factors, psychological or mental factors, and social factors. According to this model, no disease or even good health can be the manifestation of a physiological condition alone. Psychological factors and the cultural environment surrounding an individual play an equally important role in either maintaining or deteriorating health. 

Though George Engel is widely believed to have proposed this model first, some experts claim otherwise. According to them, it was Roy Grinker, a neurologist and psychiatrist, who proposed this model and even coined the term 'biopsychosocial' first. According to them, Grinker used the biopsychosocial approach in psychiatry in order to emphasize on the biological factors that were otherwise ignored, especially in mental illnesses. Critics of Engel's biopsychosocial model of health and healthcare largely support Grinker's approach. 

 Just like every other, the biopsychosocial model also has its advantages and disadvantages. Advocates highly praise the model's efficiency to help faster recovery, while critics point out the many assumptions that are made when putting this model into use. Our next sections will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the biopsychosocial model. 

Advantages and Advocacy 

✦ The biopsychosocial model claims that three factors influence health, healthcare, and disease, which are physiological, psychological, and social. This means that it takes into consideration the smaller picture of any biological problems at an individual level, as well as the bigger picture of psychological issues and the effect society has on that individual and on his/her situation. Hence, this model takes both the micro as well as macro viewpoints into consideration when analyzing a patient. This helps in administering better treatment, say advocates of the model. 
✦ The biopsychosocial model does not consider health to be a deviance from some constant physiological state. Instead, it emphasizes on health and illness being a result of social, psychological as well as biological factors interacting together. Hence, this medical approach does not treat health just from the physiological point of view, but concentrates on having healthy all-round development, cure, and maintenance of all three factors. 
✦ Another advantage of the biopsychosocial model is that cure, recovery, and good health are not completely in the hands of medical experts, but are in fact, partly in control of the patients themselves. Along with medical experts taking care of the biological treatment, patients and their families can maintain a demeanor that will result in quick psychological and social recovery, which will ultimately help better and faster physiological recovery. When using this medical approach, patients rarely feel helpless or out of control. 
✦ Since the biopsychosocial model does not believe that disease and illness is caused only because of viruses or bacteria, it promotes better psychological conditions and better social interaction. Similarly, it advocates social support, leading to a promotion of community-based living in society. This in turn affects the general well-being of society at large for the better. 
✦ The biomedical model does not contain any concrete explanation for diseases that are caused without any apparent physiological reason, i.e., psychosomatic disorders. However, the biopsychosocial model, analyzing the interaction between the three major factors in detail, can explain how and why psychological disorders, or social factors can sometimes result in physiological problems. 
✦ The biopsychosocial model advocates for good mental and emotional health in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Controlling our mental health as well as the effects society can have on us, is in our hands, and if successful, it can help in disease prevention. Thus, it is cost-effective, as prevention is definitely better than cure in many cases. 
✦ The treatment or therapy designed by the biopsychosocial model of healthcare is tailor-made in order to suit a particular patient's physiological, psychological, and social needs and wants. Unlike the biomedical approach that does not take the person's mind and emotions as well as social effects into consideration, this approach is used on an individual level. 

Disadvantages and Criticism 

✦ The biopsychosocial model assumes that all mental illnesses are, in fact, biopsychosocial. Critics feel that assuming every mental disorder to be biopsychosocial actually increases the stigma that is attached to these disorders, instead of reducing it. Assuming that a physical injury, or effect of society results in every mental illness is not practical, and if assumed thus, can also lead to confused treatment which may have grave consequences. Some mental disorders can be explained with the biopsychosocial model; but it is wrongly assumed that the model is applicable to every disease. 
✦ Some critics feel that incorrect behavior (such as anti-social behavior, for instance) cannot be treated as a medical condition, as very rarely do biological factors have a role in inducing it. Critics feel that assuming such behavior to be a disease reduces the credibility of the field of psychiatry, as it seems irrational to classify schizophrenia (a real disease) on the same lines as anti-social behavior. 
✦ According to some critics, another disadvantage of this model is that despite intensive efforts, it is very difficult to teach this model to psychiatry students in an academic setting. Not all students are convinced by the three-fold approach of the model, and are not convinced about its credibility or usefulness. Critics feel that the vagueness of the model, and giving equal importance to all three factors in every situation, can discourage prospective psychiatry students from the very beginning, thus compromising on the number of students who wish to become psychiatrists. 
✦ One more disadvantage of the model as pointed out by critics is that, for a new user of this model, it can be confusing and misleading to use it correctly and appropriately. The model vaguely tends to suggest that biology and psychology are two separate fields in medicine. This leads to misunderstandings on the part of a new user, who may not understand what symptom of a patient is to be categorized in which factor. 
✦ The biopsychosocial model takes into consideration the effects of society on an individual, including his religious beliefs, primary and secondary relationships, work history, past incidents, etc. However, it can get very impractical to take so many social factors into consideration when trying to analyze a patient's problem. For experts, it can also be difficult to decide which social factors should be considered along with the psychological and biological factors. Hence, critics feel that treatment can get delayed or confused because of the consideration of so many things. 

As we mentioned before, like every theory, the biopsychosocial model too has its share of advantages and disadvantages. Whatever may be the reception of this model today, we can conclude that the biopsychosocial approach to health and healthcare is very beneficial in several situations, and not so useful in others. 

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. The author does not promote or criticize this model in any way whatsoever.

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Chewing Betel Nut

Did You Know? 

Betel nuts have been categorized as a Group 1 human carcinogen by the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. 

Also referred to as Areca nuts, betel nuts are the seeds obtained from the Areca palm, which is found aplenty in East Africa and Asia. Areca nuts wrapped in betel leaves is commonly sold on the streets in this part of the world. Often spices and sweets such as rose paste and cardamom are added to the preparation to enhance its taste. 

This preparation and slices of betel nuts in isolation are popularly eaten after meals, and are often considered to be effective in driving bad breath away. The following Buzzle article explains some advantages and disadvantages of chewing betel nuts. 

Benefits  :

Energy Booster 

The reason behind its increasing popularity is its ability to enhance energy. Thanks to its stimulating effects, users experience increased energy levels almost immediately upon chewing these nuts. Many say that it wakes them up and provides energy to continue with their day-to-day routine. So chewing it may work to keep you wide awake for hours, which is particularly useful when driving overnight. The heightened alertness and increased capacity to handle task comes from its active ingredient arecoline―an alkaloid and a potent stimulant of the central nervous system. 


Chewing betel nuts does create a sense of well-being and euphoria. This could be another reason behind its increased use. The elated feeling tends to make users happy. Users have also reported experiencing a warm feeling in the body after consuming this psychoactive substance. 

 May Aid in Stroke Recovery 

A few studies conducted have observed that extracts of betel nuts may help patients recover from a stroke. Speech impairment and difficulty with bladder control commonly occur after a stroke. These health issues, reportedly, have improved in patients that were put on oral extracts of betel nuts. However, the evidence is too feeble to rate the effectiveness of betel nuts. Also, small studies indicate that betel nuts may benefit in conditions like ulcerative colitis and schizophrenia. However, again the results are not satisfactory enough to prescribe it for medical purposes. 

Anti-cavity Effect 

In vitro studies demonstrate that water extract of betel nuts display antimicrobial activity against certain strains of oral bacteria. So it is said that its consumption may protect teeth from cavities. Chewing on betel nuts may reduce the risk of dental plaque. 

Side Effects 

Oral Cancer 

When WHO enlists betel nuts as a carcinogen, there is nothing more to say about the dangers of chewing betel nuts. Having that energy boosting bite of betel nut at the cost of cancer predisposition is definitely not worth it. Plenty of studies have been conducted that confirm a strong correlation between betel nut consumption and oral cancer. Also, betel nuts available in the market are highly processed and contain lot of additives that can lead to the development of oral sub-mucous fibrosis―a pre-cancerous condition of the mouth. Their regular consumption also carries increased risk of cancer of the pharynx and esophagus. To observe the effects firsthand, visit Xiangtan, a city in Hunan province, China, where a multimillion dollar industry of betel nuts thrives today. Frequent chewing of betel nuts is extremely common here, which has led to alarmingly high incidences of oral cancers among the Xiangtan population. 

Mouthful of Stained Teeth 

Well, if you are not going to rinse your mouth properly after chewing betel nut, your teeth may get stained eventually. People who chew these nuts on a regular basis tend to show teeth stained with the red juice of betel nuts. So in case you don't drop the habit of chewing betel nuts, your pearly whites may soon become rusty red. 

Sensitive Teeth 

People who get addicted to betel nuts have also reported increased dental sensitivity. As a result, they are unable to eat spicy and sour foods. Eating hot and cold foods becomes next to impossible. 


Chewing betel nuts spikes the production of saliva. The excess saliva produced during the chewing process is said to improve digestion, but many times, it is often spit out. No wonder, betel nut chewers are often seen spitting on the streets. The red splattering associated with betel nut chewing is sure to drive onlookers crazy. 

On the whole, chewing betel nuts on a regular basis can be deadly. Its risks far outweigh its potential benefits. There is little doubt that it is toxic habit; hence should be immediately stopped before it is too late. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.