Saturday, July 4, 2015

How to Keep Your Heart Healthy

If you suppose being in an excellent physical condition is a sure indication of you being less vulnerable to develop heart diseases, then you may not be having a right conception after all. It is true that good levels of physical conditioning is a contributing factor in keeping your heart healthy, but it is not the only one that comes into play. In short, fitness and health may be two different subjects if we look at it with intricacy. It is not an absolute necessity that a body-builder is less prone to developing a heart disease than an average man.

Go Green
When we speak of heart, we cannot miss out on the importance and benefits of plant foods. Vegetables are an excellent source of glutamic acid. It is a class of amino acid which helps keeping blood pressure at lower levels; safe levels, so to say. What's more? Veggies lack cholesterol, fat and even calories, which otherwise tend to be the common culprits for causing heart diseases. Not to mention, the amount of vitamins and minerals that vegetables provide to the body do the most for health.

Be Active
Without the aid of daily exercise, maintaining a good overall health is just more than a daunting task. Exercises not only improve heart function, but also help in bringing down blood pressure, and cholesterol levels in the body. A mere 30 minutes stroll daily does good for the heart, if not much. It is recommended that sprinting is more beneficial for the heart, than jogging.

Reduce Oil
The next tip is about keeping oil from your diet. Although, you cannot avoid oil completely, you can keep its consumption to a small amount. Oils are a storehouse of calories and contain little nutrition. As they mostly comprise fat, they have all chances to lead to the development of plaque in the arteries thus, giving rise to some nasty heart problems. However, not all types of oil are unhealthy. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which not only help in preventing cardiovascular diseases, but also reduce instances of heat attack. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, a group of patients with cardiovascular disease had 30% less likelihood of heart attack because of omega-3 fatty acids. Best sources include salmon, mackerel and herring. Flaxseed, walnuts, and soybeans are also good sources.

Cut the Smoke
If you think you cannot shun the habit of smoking, then you might as well know that you cannot do anything good for your heart. One of the most severe risks of smoking relates to heart diseases in almost every smoker. Quit smoking, and you have done half the job in keeping your heart healthy!

Lose Weight
If your figure is slim, and belly flat, then you may have less things to worry about heart diseases. I am talking about weight loss. Being overweight puts extra load on the heart thus, increases the risk of heart conditions. So, consume less sugary foods and more of fiber and complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables. Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the basic necessities for a healthy heart today.

Add More Fiber
Fiber exists in two major groups; soluble (dissolves in water) and insoluble (does not dissolve in water). Although both the types are beneficial to health, it is the former type that does way better to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Due to its soluble nature, it binds with the cholesterol in the intestines thus, keep it from being absorbed. This keeps the level of LDL and total cholesterol down, while not affecting the HDL cholesterol level in any way. All a healthy person requires is a serving of 5 to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber in a day to avail this benefit of low cholesterol. Foods rich in this fiber include apples, peas, kidney beans, prunes, etc.

Beware of Saturated Fats It is important that you limit the amount of saturated and trans fats you consume from your food. These spike cholesterol levels in the body thus, increasing the risk of coronary artery disease. So avoid or limit consumption of food such as red meat, dairy products, coconut oil, palm oil. These are rich in saturated fatty acids. To avoid trans fats, eat less of fast foods, bakery products, snacks, crackers, and margarines. Go for foods rich in healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

Eat Less Salt
Sodium is good for the body, but in petty amounts. High salt intake means high blood pressure, which eventually points out to heart conditions. When sodium starts accumulating in the blood, it attracts water which in turn, increases the blood volume. Now to keep this blood circulating through the blood vessels, the heart has to work harder thus, causing high blood pressure. The recommended amount of sodium in the food per day must be less than 2300 milligrams.

Take the Right Medication
In most cases, heart diseases are also related to the use of drugs. So, it is important that you take medicines as prescribed by the doctors, or get them altered if necessary.

Moderate Alcohol
Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts does not harm the body. In fact, some studies show that moderate consumption provides some benefits for the heart. However, the habit of drinking is analogous to walking on thin ice. It is not difficult for any one to step out of his limit, and become a heavy drinker. So, ensure that either you stick to moderate drinking or you don't drink at all.

Manage Stress
Stress has also been known to be one of the common culprits of heart problems. Any stressful situation elevates blood pressure and this response takes its toll on the heart. So, keep yourself relaxed by practicing meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques.

To conclude, make a note of the above methods, and keep them handy in case you find it difficult to recall them. And now I would like to take your leave, as I have some sprinting to do! Take care!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What Do Your Nails Reveal About Your Health ?

Your nails are basically dead proteins, and made of keratin - the same substance that makes up the horns, hooves, and claws of animals. But human nails are different -they are just a translucent cover over a bed of soft tissue full of tiny capillaries and nerves, and therefore, reflect any physiological changes. 

Even a quick look at the color of your nails can reveal a lot to a medical practitioner. But, color is not the only indicator; white spots, grooves, and the lunula (tiny white semicircle at the base of the nails), can all say a lot about your well-being. The nails don't just expose the physical problems though, they can also uncover the mental state of the person - like stress or OCD. 

Although useful for a quick diagnosis, determining an illness or disorder should be left to a physician, who is also likely to take the help of several other diagnostic tests to accurately determine the state of your health. Nevertheless, a change in the color or texture of the nails can be indicative of several health problems, such as - 

Nutritional Deficiencies 

If you visit a physician complaining of fatigue or tiredness, he/she might first observe your hands, or fingernails to be precise. The reason for this is that, small changes in the appearance of the nails can be due to a number of nutritional deficiencies, such as - 
➤ Koilonychia - or spoon-shaped nails can be caused due to iron deficiency anemia or deficiency of vitamin B12. They can also make your nails whiter or paler as compared to their usual color. 
➤ Small white spots or lines on the nails can indicate a diet lacking in zinc. 

Fungal Infection 

Fungal infections like candida yeast or athlete's foot can make the nails discolored, turning them yellow, green, white, or even black. The infected nail or nails will also thicken and look very unsightly. They will start cracking, peeling, and the entire nail might even fall off. Frequent infections can also be indicative of a compromised immune system or other diseases, for example diabetes. 


Damaged, ugly-looking nails can also be due to psoriasis, which causes the skin to erupt in red, scaly rashes. Nail psoriasis can give a yellowish-brown color to the nails, or even separation of the nail from the nail bed, called onycholysis. Another sign of psoriasis is pitting of the nails, in which small, pin-shaped holes or pits appear on the nails. 

Liver Diseases 

Terry nails, a condition of the nails characterized by the presence of a dark band at the end of the nails, is a strong indicator of liver diseases like liver cirrhosis, although, they can also appear due to aging, heart, or kidney related conditions. 

Thyroid Problems 

The appearance of small, beaded, vertical bands on the nails can indicate thyroid problems. Brittle nails and vertical ridges are very common in people with hypothyroidism, along with dry skin, poor memory, and weight gain. 


A vertical band of blacking or brownish coloration on the nails could be the first sign of melanoma or skin cancer. Although, this can also occur due to an injury or heart condition, it is best to get it checked by a physician 

Circulatory Problems 

A bluish color of the nails could be a sign of poor circulation due to a lung condition. Deprivation of oxygen can also lead to clubbing of the hands - in which the finger pads thicken and the nails curve down around them. It can result from several heart or lung diseases, like lung cancer, tuberculosis, or cystic fibrosis. Certain heart conditions can also turn the nail bed red in color. 

Nails, thus, can offer clues regarding some minor as well as serious diseases a person may be suffering from. But, a number of conditions can alter the nails in a similar manner, and therefore, they should be used for diagnosis, keeping in mind other symptoms and diagnostic tests too.

Basic First Aid for Kids

Children should be taught about different first aid measures, both at home and at school. This helps emphasize the importance of child safety. This helps them overcome difficult situations like injuries, burns, and outdoor emergencies. First aid is all about using common sense in the hour of need. 

Basic First Aid 
Sometimes, children have to face unexpected and problematic situations like injuries, accidents, burns, heat strokes, etc. They should have some knowledge on how to deal with such situations. The following points would give us an idea thereupon. 

Dangers: If a child gets injured, his peers should have the basic know-how on how to protect him, or at least minimize the danger he is facing. If a friend has met with an accident, the first thing to be done is to inform an adult about the situation, or move him to a safer place if there is no quick help available. 

Splinters: Splinters are the most common cause of concern among children. They tend to roam around barefooted, which leaves them vulnerable. Before trying to remove a splinter, one should wash their hands to avoid any infection. One should proceed further, only if the splinter is small enough and can be removed easily. If it is deeply embedded, it should be removed only by a doctor. Administering a tetanus booster after the removal of a splinter is necessary. 

CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation): In order to perform CPR, prior training is necessary. It should be performed only if the affected person doesn't show any signs of life. In this process, the person who provides first-aid, has to press on the lower-half of the breastbone of the person in need. Compressions followed by 2 breaths complete the cycle. The cycle should be repeated until the affected person regains consciousness. 

Burns: Burns should be treated with cool water. Treating a burn injury this way reduces the sting, and helps a quick recovery. It also minimizes the damage to the skin. A blistering burn should however, be attended to by some elder person in the house. 

Cuts: These are first be cleaned with water. Children should be taught how to stop a cut from bleeding, by applying pressure. 

Poison Ivy Rash: This rash develops after one comes in contact with a poison ivy plant. Usually, such cases are often seen during outdoor camps. The treatment for such a rash includes cleaning with alcohol, followed by water. While washing with water, one should avoid using soaps. After the above two steps, a warm water shower should be taken and the rash should be cleaned with soap. Finally, any belongings that might have come in contact with the plant, should be washed and cleaned with the help of water and alcohol. This needs to be done in order to prevent further infection. 

Helpline Numbers 
Children should be aware of helpline numbers, to access the necessary help in times of emergency. Helpline numbers prove useful in dealing with a number of problems ranging from minor injuries to serious situations. At the age of 4-5 years, a child should be aware of the process of contacting emergency help. 

First Aid Courses 
First aid courses are available for children, to learn how to deal with emergency situations systematically. Compact discs with complete course packages are available in the market. These courses are beneficial, because they allow children to learn at their own pace and in the comfort of their homes. Another advantage of using such CDs is that one can refresh his knowledge about the procedures of basic first aid, as per the requirements. It is also a cost-effective way of learning. 

Thus, basic first aid knowledge comes in handy for kids while dealing with problematic situations like sunburns, injuries, and accidents.

How to Get More Energy

If you are feeling tired and spent for many hours during the course of a day, trying out some ways to get more energy may help you overcome this. It may seem like no matter what you do, that feeling of exhaustion and tiredness just won't go away. This is due to an inherent lack of energy in your system. There are certain ways to fix this problem, and almost all these ways require a drastic change in your lifestyle and habits. 

There are a lot of natural ways to get more energy in the body. It would be unwise to rely on external agents and dietary supplements to fulfill this purpose, as there are many side effects and disadvantages of doing so. It is more recommendable to fix the problem with these natural solutions instead. 

It is said that everyone should get about 8 hours of sleep every night to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Not getting enough sleep is a major cause of low energy levels, and this is something that can be enforced easily, with a little bit of time management. Getting about a half hour of sleep in the afternoon as well, will also work wonders. Keep in mind that you must not oversleep though, as this adds to the feeling of laziness and lethargy. The best way to get more energy is to simply sleep enough. 

The food you eat also plays a major part in your energy levels. Visit a dietitian and get some advice on what kind of foods you should consume on a daily basis. Some food items are high in their energy quotient, and these are the items you should be consuming. This is especially relevant when you need the extra energy while pregnant, as there are 2 bodies to be fed, instead of one. 

Anyone. who has experienced dehydration will tell you that it is a very energy-sapping experience. Lack of water can really make you weak and fragile, and drastically reduce your energy levels. To get more energy during the day, drink plenty of water. Drinking around 8 - 10 glasses a day is highly recommended, and if you are exposed to the sun more often, you must drink some more. 

Timed Meals 
Apart from the simple fact of eating healthy and nutritious food, you must also learn to eat meals at the right time. Meals that are scattered throughout the course of a day can only deplete energy levels, and in order to correct this scenario, you should eat 3 - 4 small meals at regular intervals. This keeps your body's system moving at all times, and ensures that there is always a constant supply of energy for its working. 

Many people often wonder how to regain energy after work. This is the time of day that really leaves one feeling extremely tired and exhausted, and it is advisable to perform some recreational activity after work to combat this feeling. Join a gym, play a sport, start a hobby, or perform any other task that you like doing, and that can recharge your batteries. Remember not to overwork yourself though, as this will end up in having an opposite effect. 

Increasing energy is not a difficult task once you have embraced these lifestyle changes. It involves a lot of positive thinking and optimism as well. If you are constantly unhappy about your job, your love life, or something else, it will obviously pull you down and lower your energy levels as well. You need to rethink your life and then make a conscious decision of change. You will see that all these methods are simply intertwined, and soon you will experience the positive change in you.

Natural Energy Boosters

Fatigue is something we all encounter on a regular basis. In fact, some of us feel tired and exhausted every day. The morning itself begins with a lethargic approach. With this sluggish body, how does one accomplish the tasks set forth for the day? On days when our body just doesn't seem to be cooperating, we turn to coffee for energy, little realizing that the energy provided by coffee is only short-lived. What's even worse is all this intake of coffee can end up in caffeine addiction, blood sugar fluctuations and adrenal gland depletion. Now that we know why coffee is not a good choice for energy-boosting, let's have a look at some natural energy boosters for women and men that will help replenish the body's energy levels. 

Walks and Stretches 
Walking for 5-10 minutes outdoors helps revitalizing the body. If you're at work and do not have the time to go for a short walk, try out some stretches. Gently stretching your arms and legs also helps. 

Deep Breathing 
When you are tired and stressed, deep breathing is really helpful. In the seated position, take one deep breath slowly counting till four. Then hold your breath for a second and slowly count to four as you exhale the air through your mouth. Perform this exercise 8-10 times a day and find your body more energetic than before. 

Bee Pollen 
Bee pollen is a natural energizer and furnishes the body with great energy and vitality. This is because bee pollen is loaded with proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, essential vitamins and minerals. In fact bee pollen is believed to be more nutritious than any other food item on the planet. It comprises 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, 18 enzymes, at least 16 vitamins, plant hormones and natural antibiotic factors. However, people allergic to bee pollen should keep a safe distance from it. 

Eat a Banana 
Bananas are wonderful energy-boosting fruits. These fruits provide instant energy to the body. Bananas contain three natural sugars: fructose, sucrose and glucose, thereby providing maximum energy to the body. In fact, they are one of those few fruits containing both simple and complex carbohydrates. The simple carbohydrates give you instant energy, while the complex carbohydrates give you endurance. Bodybuilders working out are often asked to consume a banana everyday. 

Dates are loaded with essential nutrients like amino acids, sulfur, calcium, fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, manganese, copper and potassium. They are also loaded with essential vitamins. Dates are known as power packs due to the 29 grams of natural sugars (glucose, sucrose and fructose), 31 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of dietary fiber within them. Thus, these tiny date fruits can be appropriately described as an energy-boosting dry fruit. 

24 Hour Fast 
The body consumes one-third of its energy on food digestion and elimination of body wastes. By fasting for a day and drinking only liquids like water and fresh organic juices, will give your body system, a break from the routine work of digestion and elimination. This energy not utilized for digestion will then be diverted to disease-fighting and toxin elimination. So basically you are closing down the kitchen; and since the cooks are free with nothing to do, they go and guard the house, killing intruders! 

Smoothies are healthy and tasty ways of pepping up your body. The mango tango is an interesting smoothie that furnishes the body with good complex carbohydrates that keep the body energized and revitalized for several hours. To prepare this just take one cup diced mango, ½ cup plain yogurt, ½ cup milk and one scoop whey protein. Blend and have. The vitamin C and potassium in the mango will help protect the brain and nervous system. There are several smoothie recipes that you can try out to energize your body. 

Don't expect to be all energetic and pepped up if you follow a poor diet plan. Your body needs nutrition, which is why you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Moreover, don't forget to drink more than two liters of water everyday. Moderate exercise and cutting caffeine intake will also help.

How to Increase Energy Levels

There are days when I have to struggle to pull myself out of bed. On those days, the alarm clock is my worst enemy, the sun I hate, and I realize truly how much I love that warm blanket covering me. The day then drags on and on while all I do is try to form a semblance of normalcy in the way I carry about the day's activities. And that... my friends, is the time I realize my energy levels are really, really low. 

If something like this has ever happened to you and you need to know how to increase your energy levels naturally, give this following piece a read. 

Increasing Energy Levels Naturally 

You'd think that there are only those synthetically manufactured energy drinks that help to increase your energy levels, but there you would be wrong. There are many, many natural ways to increase energy levels and given below are some of the most effective ones. 

Exercises of any kind are beneficial to the overall health of a human being, most of us already know that one. Exercises lead to increasing the blood flow, which helps to clear away toxins and increase your energy levels naturally by helping all the organs and bodily functions to work efficiently. One of the most effective exercise types that are focused mainly on increasing stamina are aerobic exercises. Include these in your routine and you'll see the change in your energy levels almost instantly. 

There's a reason why they say you should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night. That rest is essential for repairing the wear and tear that takes place in the body throughout the day. It helps to energize the brain cells and recuperate them for the next day's activity. Notice how on a night when you do not get enough rest and there is lack of sleep, the next day is spent in half a daze. The effects of lack of sleep result in a dip in efficiency and productivity of all the bodily functions along with hitting hard on the energy levels. Getting proper and peaceful sleep for a good 7-8 hours is an instant way of increasing energy levels in the body. 

There are certain foods that you should avoid and some high energy foods that you should include in your diet for a boost and increase in energy levels. Even though stimulants like tea and coffee give you an instant kick, it only lasts for a few minutes and in the long run they drain away the nutrients and result in lack of energy. However, there are certain foods that increase energy levels and should be included in your diet. Some of the foods that give you energy are―eggs, fruits and vegetables (different kinds and not the same variety everyday), and water. Make sure that you include proteins (yogurt, fish) and lean meat in your meals and never skip breakfast. Try to avoid processed foods, excess sugar, and alcohol as they are instant energy sappers. 

Other Factors 
Here are some other factors that you should be looking into in order to increase your energy levels: 
  • Practice yoga or deep breathing exercises that calm your mind and help in rejuvenation. 
  • Check for medical conditions. Many medical conditions cause fatigue and tiredness. 
  • Eliminate stress from your life. 
  • Do not overwork. 
  • Take necessary supplements like vitamins for energy and others that may not be provided for in the diet that you consume. 
  • Protect yourself from the pollution and extreme change in climates. 
  •  Include any form of recreation in your routine. 
So then that is how you can increase the energy levels in your body the natural way and stay fit and fine. Take each new day as it comes and greet the morning sunshine.

Cold Shower Benefits

Some of us find it hard enough to get up in the morning and push ourselves to take a bath. The thought of a cold shower at that is even more unappealing. However, there are many benefits of taking a cold shower. 


Pumps Up the Circulatory System 
When our skin comes into contact with cold water, it leads to cutaneous vasoconstriction, which means that the blood vessels on the surface of the skin contract and push blood to the inner organs. This helps improve circulation to vital organs. This circulation rate helps to push toxins out of the body, making the heart work more efficiently. Some people say that alternating between hot and cold water helps to maintain circulation in both, inner organs as well as on the skin. 

Healthy Skin and Hair 
Very hot water tends to make the skin and hair dry. The hair and skin is protected from excessive drying by a layer of sebum, which is secreted by glands on the skin. When we take a bath with hot water, we tend to strip the skin of sebum. This makes the skin dry, and the hair brittle and dandruff- prone. This may even lead to permanent hair damage. Also, when hot water falls directly onto the skin, the skin pores open up. There are higher chances of having clogged pores, if these open pores are exposed to air and dust without closing. Clogged pores are a far cry from healthy skin, and you may even end up getting acne because of this. 

Improve Fertility 
Cold showers are said to increase fertility in men. The testes are outside the body because sperm cannot bear the body temperature. So, when a man takes a hot bath on a regular basis, it leads to a decrease in the number of sperm, and their motility rate. Thus, if you've been having problems with your sperm count, you may want to try taking a cold shower on a regular basis. 

Wake up Call 
The chill of the cold water will wake you up, especially when you are new to this practice. Thanks to the increased circulation in the body, you will feel energetic. 

This may seem like an uncomfortable and strange proposition for you initially, but once you get used to it, you'll find it hard to switch back to warm baths. If you can't directly start with a cold shower, then start with warm water and gradually switch to cold water. There are some conditions where you may not want to take cold showers; if you live in a cold surrounding, you should never take a cold shower and then step into a cold room. Similarly, if you happen to be a heart patient or suffer from arteriosclerosis, then do not opt for cold showers. Otherwise, you may try a cold shower for its various benefits.

Is Taking a Shower at Night Bad?

Taking a shower is a perfect way to let your body relax. After a long day at work, your body and mind both need an easy getaway from fatigue and grim to refreshment. Showering at night will help you get back your high spirits and endurance. There is a lot of confusion over the facts on taking a shower at night. Some people think it is harmful to the body while some feel it may lead to illness and diseases. So, is bathing at night bad? The answer is 'NO', it is not a bad or harmful practice. There is also no scientific proof that showering at night is harmful for the body. 

Following are some of the benefits of taking a shower at night: 
  • Taking a warm shower will cleanse your skin. It will flush out toxins from your skin, making you feel fresh and clean, leaving you with a soft and supple feeling at the end of the day. 
  • Showering at night will help in lowering blood pressure, relieving you from all the stress. It will relax your body, giving you a power break from your busy routine. 
  •  After a rigorous day, even after you workout, your body muscles can feel tense and cramped. A shower will relax these muscles, and soothe body ache. 
  •  A warm shower will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth, and you will feel younger and fresher once you step out of the bath. 
  • You will get sometime to relax, be yourself, and let all your worries take a back seat. 
  • Apart from feeling fresh and relaxed, showering at night will also leave you smelling fabulous. Sinking in the bed with a soft and clean fragrance is pure bliss. 
  • Most importantly, it will give you a deep and good sleep for the night. Taking a shower at night is also helpful in treating insomnia. 
Taking a bath will allow you to unwind, physically and mentally. You wouldn't want to sleep with all that dirt and sweat on your bed at night. Go for a relaxing shower, continue this for a few days, and you will gradually notice the change. 


We need to take care of certain things while showering at night. Following are a few tips that you can easily remember: 
  • While taking a hair shower, make sure you have a warm water shower. Dry your hair properly before going to bed as during the night, the body temperature is cooler than the mornings. 
  • If you are looking for that good night's sleep, take a shower only when you are ready to go to bed. 
  • Avoid taking shower immediately after workout since the pores in your skin open out due to sweating (you can observe tiny red dots on your skin). Always allow your body to rest, at least for half an hour, so that the pores close down, and then go for a shower. 
  • Have a warm shower if it is too late at night. 
  • Watch the temperature of the water beforehand. Normally, the body accepts temperatures with a difference of maximum 5 degrees. The normal human body temperature is 97 °F (36 °C). Make sure the water is not too hot or too cold. 
Taking a shower is a natural way to revitalize the body and mind. You will not only get good sleep, but also stay asleep longer after a shower at night.

How Does a Rocking Chair Benefit Your Health

What comes to your mind when someone mentions 'rocking chair'? Probably a lazy Saturday afternoon watching television or relaxing after a day at work with a nice book. Well, there's more to the good old rocking chair than just relaxation; it is known to have numerous health benefits. Below are some ailments in which the rocking chair therapy has been found to be particularly beneficial. Let's go through them. 

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia 
Rocking is known to release endorphins, which help reduce anxiety. It is particularly helpful in mid-stage dementia patients, as they are very difficult to calm; rocking helps reduce their pain and soothes them. These diseases that are found in the elderly can be very arduous; rocking helps improve the overall health and well-being of such patients. 

It has been found that children as well as adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) are able to focus better when on a rocking chair. This is because the individual's need to keep moving is fulfilled by the rocking of the chair and they can concentrate better. 

Rocking is found to be helpful for people suffering from arthritis. Rocking for about an hour everyday fastens recovery in patients, by improving the flexibility of the knees and strengthening muscles around the knees. 

Back Pain 
A rocking chair along with some exercises benefits people with back pain, especially those who have pain due to a bulging disc or a herniated disc. The exercise to do is - rock for 5 minutes by using only your feet and not your back, for the next 5 minutes rock using only your toes and finally rock for another 5 minutes using only the heels of your feet. President, John. F. Kennedy Jr., used a rocking chair for his chronic lower back condition, on being advised by a doctor. Varicose Veins Varicose veins can be prevented by rocking, as the blood circulation improves due to constant movement on the chair. It is especially useful for people who do not lead a very active life. 

Post Surgery Recovery 
Rocking has been found to help patients recover after an operation. After most surgeries, patients suffer from bowel dysfunction, it has been seen that rocking helps patients resume bowel activity sooner. Rocking helps reduce pain after an abdominal hysterectomy. In addition, it also helps patients to recover from a knee surgery. 

A rocking chair is helpful during different stages of pregnancy and even after delivery, in the following ways. 
  • Rocking for a couple of minutes during pregnancy helps in the development of the nervous system of the fetus. 
  • Back pain and varicose veins can be prevented during pregnancy by rocking for a few minutes every day. 
  • It is helpful for women who have had a cesarean section, they have less gas and pain and recover faster. 
  • It is useful to relax children, especially those who suffer from colic. It will reduce crying and put the child off to sleep. 
  • It is a great place for mothers to breastfeed their child, the chair offers good support and relaxes the mother. 
Weight Loss 
You can lose up to 150 calories an hour by rocking on a chair. It is very useful for people who cannot do weight bearing exercises, to tone their legs. By rocking on a chair, you will be working your muscles and hence toning them. It is also beneficial to improve the body posture. 

Benefits for the Elderly 
Many elders like rocking on a chair, they may not be aware of the benefits, but they are actually improving their health. Rocking reduces anxiety in seniors; it has been seen that those who rock regularly need less or no medication to deal with depression related issues. Rocking also improves balancing skills in the elderly and prevents accidents due to falling. It is also a great exercise for those who are inactive. 

Those were some therapeutic benefits of rocking in a rocking chair. This one is definitely more than just a piece of furniture, get one today or build your own chair and rock away all your ailments, it's inexpensive and safe!

How to Diagnose Yourself

There are different reasons why you may want to diagnose and treat yourself. Sometimes it may be an embarrassing health problem that you are not comfortable confronting, or perhaps the lack of finances that may prevent you from visiting a professional to find the root cause of the problem. Another reason why you tend to diagnose yourself is because you may fear visiting a doctor, and may fear discovering something that may be more serious than you can imagine. Whatever the reasons, you must know that diagnosing yourself can do you more harm than good. In some cases, you may be right, but in some, what you may assume is the problem, may actually be something else. This is particularly true of those who resort to the internet for all their health information, as there is a lot of contradictory information that is present online. In any case, if you are looking for information on how to diagnose yourself, here's a very basic way to diagnose minor conditions. 

Steps Involved 
Before you read this method of diagnosing yourself, you must understand that it is not a sure shot way of putting a finger on the problem. Secondly, these methods might work for smaller conditions such as allergy breakouts. It cannot be used to diagnose more serious health conditions. 
  • Understand the Symptoms: Check for your normal vital signs before you attempt to diagnose yourself with symptoms of the problem you think you may be suffering from. This could take some time. For instance, if you suddenly have an allergy break out, you have to take time to understand the triggers of the symptoms. What is it that is causing an allergy? Is it food, or something you are exposed to? This is going to take a couple of days to understand. This will probably help you come up with an answer to your problem. 
  • Understand Family History: In some cases, a gene that runs in the family may be the reason why you are facing a particular problem. For instance, a condition such as a back problem may be one that your mother or father's side is prone to. This however, does not mean that the condition cannot be controlled. Though you may be prone to it, you can definitely reduce the intensity with which it affects you. 
Diagnosing yourself will take some time. You must diligently maintain a diary and note the changes that are taking place as and when you are trying to treat it. This will help you get to the bottom of the problem. 

The Dangers of Diagnosing 
Yourself In many cases, what you consider to be a small problem may be a symptom of a bigger problem. For instance, a headache could be a symptom of a condition of the brain, mild pain in the left arm may be the symptom of a heart condition or heart disease, and a rash on the skin may also be a symptom of the development of skin cancer. The point here is not to scare you, but to make you realize the potential dangers of diagnosing yourself, because you may tend to overlook the seriousness of the condition. When you ignore certain symptoms, or take medication to eliminate them, you are not treating the root cause of the problem; you are just eliminating the problem temporarily. This problem can further go ahead and become severe, and if you don't prevent it, curing it may become difficult. For instance, one of the common symptoms of diabetes is tiredness and exhaustion. When you diagnose yourself, you may assume that the exhaustion is from not getting enough sleep, not eating right, stress, etc. You will try to correct all of these, but you are not aware of the fact that you 'may' be diabetic. This will cause the condition to worsen, and diabetes has the ability of slowly affecting all other organs of the body such as the eyes, the kidneys, the brain, and several other body parts. Though a lot of websites enable you to diagnose yourself online, it should be avoided for the reasons mentioned here. In fact, online diagnoses can sometimes be misleading in that they may overlook a bigger condition, or may directly point to a bigger condition when the problem may be minor. 

 In short, there are more dangers of diagnosing yourself than benefits. It is common to overlook smaller signs and assume they will just pass by taking over-the-counter medicine. However, it is best to get professional consultation and ensure that you are getting the right treatment for the condition in question, irrespective of whether it is minor or major. 

Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men

Women are known to age faster than men, but have you noticed how they are able to live longer than men? Perhaps, they still manage to remain healthy in their old age. This really perplexes me. No, you can't blame their nagging for shortening the lives of their sons, boyfriends and husbands. There is more to it. Especially in developed countries, women live almost 5 to 10 years longer than men! Did you know? Of people living for more than 100 years on Earth, 85% are women. Men have high levels of testosterone levels early in life and tend to exhibit risky behavior while women choose to remain safe by taking precautions such as driving slow (for which men obviously hate us), wearing seat-belts, keeping a check on their health as well as that of other family members. Could that be why women tend to live longer than men? According to new statistics published by the United Nations (2005 - 2010), the average life expectancy of a woman in the United States is 80.8 years while that of a man is 75.6 years! In fact, in almost every country around the world, the average life expectancy of women is more than that of men. 

Women Live Longer, Men Die Sooner 

  • Death in Prime Years: Men are more prone to death in their younger years (between 12-30 years) by engaging in aggressive and violent behavior such as suicides from stress and depression, homicides, automobile accidents from rash driving or drinking and driving. Also, occupational hazards are a contributing factor such as death among men who join the army, police departments and other high-risk jobs. 
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits: Men are exposed to smoking, drinking and doping very early in their life. They also tend to indulge in these habits more than women who do it in lesser numbers. Later on in life, such habits mar down the immune system, exposing the body to various health risks and diseases. Eating a Lot: It is a known fact that men consume food in much larger quantities and more frequently than women. Also, they consume a lot more meats and this contributes to high cholesterol levels in them. This is also why we experience cardiovascular related problems a lot later in life than our male counterparts. 
  • Sex Hormones: Some scientists believe that the genetic makeup of women gives them added protection against early death as compared to men. Women experience menopause and the production of estrogen and other sex hormones in the body declines. But, men continue to have testosterone being produced in their bodies, which is unfavorable to their health in old age. 
  • Second X Chromosome: Women have two X chromosomes that help them make for disease genes, if they lack longevity enabling genes, which helps them keep the good genes active on the X chromosomes. Such variation on the same or different set of genes contributes to their longer life. Although, this explanation is a little difficult to understand, but it plays a vital role in their life expectancy. 
  • Evolution of Species: Since women give birth to the offspring and are primary caregivers to their children, they are genetically designed to have bodies that can withstand such extreme physical changes and thus, remain stronger and healthier than men. In most mammals, the females tend to live longer than males. The role of males is limited to sowing the seeds of procreation only. 
  •  Iron Deficiency: Women tend to be more deficient in iron in their bodies due to monthly blood loss during menstruation. Iron, found largely in red meat, contributes to the production of free radicals that speed-up aging and clog arteries, raising the risk of a heart stroke. Men naturally have more iron in their blood, than women. 
  • Delaying Health Checkups: Just like most men refuse to take directions, they refuse to go for health checkups believing they are hale and hearty. Call it their ego or over-confidence, they don't really visit the doctor unless something major happens to their health. And, then women are blamed for nagging to go for regular check-ups... huh? 
  • Medical Boom: Apart from just being careful about their health, lesser women die during childbirth. A high mortality rate due to the same was common among our ancestors. However, now lesser and lesser women die due to childbirth, vitamin deficiencies and other diseases. 
 However, a point to be noted here is that in the past decade there has been a declining trend in the life expectancy ratios of men and women. As women, too, are increasingly indulging in unhealthy lifestyle habits such as drinking, smoking, taking drugs, not eating nutritious meals and getting competitive with women leading to increased levels of stress as well engaging in violent behavior too in their younger years, the life expectancy of women is also expected to decline, shortening the life expectancy gap between them and men. Also, the crime against women such as homicide and rapes are on the rise. Whether you are a man or a woman, we must all start living a holistic lifestyle to enjoy the gift of life for longer time and with a healthy body.

Benefits of Waking Up Early

I am reminded daily of Amanda from Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie, all thanks to my darling mumma, who wakes me up to a very catchy phrase, 'Rise and Shine, rise and shine!'. I sometimes wish brother Sun never woke up, just so that I could sleep a bit longer, but then my granny's words hover around to taunt me and I have no other option but to wake up early and reap in the benefits of the early morning.

I bet most of you are already aware of the advice, that come through grandparents and elders, some being, 'early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise' and 'the early bird gets the worm'. It's not like I am totally against the policy of waking up early, I sure am aware of the benefits of waking up early, yet at times, I can admit to being a tad too lazy to throw off my sheet and walk on the lawn barefoot. Nevertheless, with all due respect to elders and people who have researched on the benefits of waking up early; boy, I must say, they are justified in more ways than one, while suggesting that we rise early.

Why Should You be an Early

Refreshes Your Mind and Body As they say, rising early gives you an edge over those who are late risers. One of the most important factors of waking up early is that it gives you quality 'me time'. Waking up early provides a fresh new start. How is this possible? Of the foremost benefits to your body and soul, waking up early:
✰ Refreshes your mind
✰ Calms your senses
✰ Reduces your stress levels
✰ Energizes your body and mind
✰ Makes you proactive

Brings Nature Closer to You
Rising early gives you more time for yourself, and for those around you. It has been observed that those who wake up early are more inclined towards following a healthy lifestyle. Benefits of walking barefoot is known, especially on a lawn covered with early morning dew more so, as it has a soothing effect on the body. Waking up early gives you an opportunity to:
✰ Witness nature's beauty
✰ Observe moments of tranquility and silence
✰ Genuflect and reflect
✰ Concentrate better
✰ Increase your productivity

Healthy Mind is a Healthy Body
This is something that you can do only if you have peace of mind, and for peace of mind what would you need? Serene surroundings or a spiritual quest? Nah! You just need to wake up early, find a peaceful spot in your backyard and you are transported into a kingdom of bliss and solitude. Things you can do in the morning that only spells benefits for you include:
✰ Meditation
✰ Exercising
✰ Yoga
✰ Simple deep breathing
✰ Walking your dog

Paves the Way for Success
Early risers are known to be opportunists; as per statistics, people who are successful in life are known to be early risers. Waking up early, incidentally, gives you an opportunity to be punctual as well as make the most of any given situation, at any given time. Want to know what else you can do being early? Here goes ...
✰ Helps you to be optimistic
✰ Heightens your creativity
✰ Helps lead an active and energetic lifestyle
✰ Lower levels of stress and fatigue experienced
✰ Aids in developing a balanced personality

Happy girl drinking shake
Makes You Cheerful Isn't this the amalgamation of everything stated above? If you are an early riser, your body is happy, your mind is happy, and your spirit rejoices. Why so? That's because your body is refreshed, your mind is recharged and your spirit gets what it longs for; some quality 'me time'. And a happy body will obviously result in a happier and blissful you. Want some proof? Waking up early is known to:
✰ Make you cheerful
✰ Make you peaceful
✰ Keep away stress
✰ Allow you to stay focused
✰ Keep you satisfied

Helps Cultivate Good Habits

Apart from making you wise, rising early is also said to make you develop healthy habits. I have already mentioned how waking up early results in cultivating a healthy body and mind; here I would like to specifically mention the wonders it does to discipline you. When you wake up early, you automatically: ✰ Eat your meals on time
✰ Exercise your body right
✰ Fall sick less often
✰ Sleep sufficiently
✰ Remain healthy for a longer time

Besides all the above benefits of being an early riser, you can also skip traffic snarls and be the first at your workplace, thus putting you in a better position than your colleagues. Now's the time and now's the day to start leading a healthy lifestyle!

Stay Cool With Science

You already knew that science is cool, but did you know the ways that it can keep you cool in the record-setting summer heat? Sure, central air conditioning is best, and we hear that Alaska is beautiful this time of year. But when you don't have access to central a/c or a polar cabin, anything is better than nothing. 

Sweat is not a nuisance, it's your body's built-in air conditioner. As the moisture beads up on your skin, the air around it sucks it up. As the sweat evaporates, it takes heat with it, reducing your body temperature. Not only that, but the moisture on your skin feels cool under even the slightest breeze. That's why it's so important to drink plenty of water in hot weather. When your body gets dehydrated, it cuts down on the sweat production to conserve precious moisture. If you don't sweat, you can't cool off, and your body stays hot. The evaporative cooling nature of sweat is also why it's more difficult to cool down on humid days - the air has lots of moisture in it already, so it's not as eager to suck the moisture off of your skin. Instead, the beads of sweat build up until they roll off your body, cooling potential lost. They do, however, still provide a slight cooling effect in a breeze. 

Go Soak Your Head 
 Most of your body's temperature sensors are on your head. Try wetting your hair or dunking your head in cool water for quick heat relief. Sometimes, that's too messy - you can't walk around town with a dripping head. So try this neat hack - wet a bandana and tie it around your neck. The cool moisture on the back of your neck will keep you cool for longer periods of time. There are even special bandanas with cooling gel sewn into them - this gel holds onto water, keeping it from evaporating and extending the cooling period. In this case, evaporation is a bad thing. Another cool trick is to use cotton balls to apply rubbing alcohol to your wrists, feet, and the back of your neck. Rubbing alcohol operates much like sweat, sucking heat from your body as it evaporates. Alcohol evaporates much more quickly than sweat, so the cooling sensation will feel more dramatic - but it won't last as long. Reapply as needed, but keep it away from broken or sensitive skin. 

Wear More Clothes 
What? More clothes? Isn't it better to wear less in hot weather? Well, yes, on cloudy days. Going back to our sweat example, it's the evaporation of sweat that cools the body. Clothing that keeps airflow away from the sweat interferes with evaporation and therefore keeps you hot. So yes, the less clothing you wear, the cooler you'll be. Until you take the sun into consideration. The sun is mercilessly strong. Think about it - if the sun's rays are visible all the way from Neptune and Uranus, do you really think it won't affect our little bodies here on Earth? Of course. It heats us up and burns our skin. As your skin burns, you sweat less, but your temperature rises. In other words, you get hotter and hotter, but your cooling potential keeps decreasing. So sun protection is very important to staying cool. What about sunblock? Well, sunblock protects your skin from sunburn to a degree, but it can also inhibit sweating. Your best, best is long, loose clothing. Long enough to shield your skin from the sun, but as loose as possible to allow for the greatest airflow that aides sweat evaporation. That's why Bedouins wear long robes instead of bikinis. Speaking of clothes, color doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Yes, light clothes reflect light and are therefore cooler, but those Bedouins wear long black robes. You feel like you're cooking in your black T-shirt, so what gives? The difference is the thickness. Bedouin robes are made of a very heavy, thick material - so yes, the outside is hot to the touch, but the fabric's thickness prevents the heat from ever reaching the skin. 

Have Some Hot Cocoa 
You mean a chocolate milkshake? No, hot cocoa. With steam. Confused? 

Remember when we said that many of your body's temperature sensors were in your head? What do you think happens to them when you drink a hot liquid? What about when that hot liquid makes its way into your stomach, through the very center of your roasting body? 

Well, yes. The hot cocoa raises your body temperature slightly, which makes you sweat more. But more sneakily, drinking the hot liquid tricks your temperature sensors into thinking you're hotter than you are. So your body ramps up the sweat production, and there's suddenly much more sweat to evaporate, which makes the cooling sensation that much more dramatic.

Your Body Has A Hybrid Engine

Hybrid cars are cool, aren't they? The way they seamlessly switch from gas to electric power depending upon the needs of the engine at the moment, and the way they automatically charge their own battery as you drive. You know what's even cooler? Your body does the same thing - it can run on sugar or fat, and generally runs on a combination of the two. When your needs change, your body changes fuel - and all you have to do is eat. 

When You Eat 
Say you're sitting down to a cheeseburger and fries for lunch. Your meal is composed of carbohydrates in the bread and vegetables, and there's fat in the meat and fries. There's also protein in the meat, but that goes toward cell repair and isn't really a good source of pure energy. As you chew, the carbs start digesting in your saliva. Then the food gets to your stomach, where it's ground up and dissolved, then pushed into your intestines. This is where the magic happens, where the stomach-mush is further broken down into individual molecules - for the purpose of this discussion, carbohydrates and fats. These molecules slip through your intestinal walls and eventually into your bloodstream, which carries them to where they will be used or stored. 

Carbohydrates are just big sugars - in fact, digestion breaks them down into glucose, which is a big energy source for your body. Your body only uses so much glucose at once though, so it converts most of the glucose into glycogen, which is stored in your liver and muscles. Glycogen binds with water during storage, in a 1:4 ratio - which is why carb-heavy meals can make you retain water. 

Fats get broken down into triglycerides and other fatty acids, and circulate in your bloodstream - they are your body's main source of fuel most of the time, because they're great at providing energy for slow activity like sitting at a desk or just walking around. It's true that excess fat gets stored as fat, but that's true of carbohydrates and protein too - your body isn't one to waste perfectly good fuel just because it doesn't need it at the moment, so it fills up your fat cells for a rainy day. This is why your abs aren't flat and your butt's too big - a simple case of hoarding fuel. 

Aerobic Activity 
Say you go out for a walk. Slow, easy movement, just a comfortable stroll. If you just ate, your body may be burning a mixture of carbs and fat. If it's been an hour or more, you're likely running on mostly fat. You're feeling good, trucking along, so you break into a spontaneous run. At this point, your body cannot process the fat in your bloodstream fast enough to fuel what you're doing, so it turns to your stored carbs, glycogen, instead. You begin breathing heavy, because converting glycogen back into glucose requires the presence of oxygen. Your heart starts beating faster because it needs to pump your blood fast enough to transport the oxygen to where it's needed. This fuel system is pretty efficient in all but the most out-of-shape people. Marathon runners rely almost exclusively on this system for the entire race until the final sprint. If you go too long, though, you "bonk" - which means your glycogen stores run out, and you simply cannot go any further, at which point you naturally slow down and switch back to fat burning. 

Anaerobic Activity 
So you've been walking again for a while, and a bear jumps out at you from behind a tree. Do you continue walking? No. Do you break into a jog? No. You sprint for your life, giving everything you've got to just go, go, go. You can barely breathe, heck, you can barely think. You're placing such a demand on your body that the process of converting glycogen into glucose is just too slow - so your body starts burning pure fat. Yes, fat fuels ultra-intense activity, but it doesn't last very long. The greater the demand, the more short-lived the supply. This is another reason the body stores fat - extra reserves to dip into if necessary. It's also why high-intensity exercise leans you out more quickly than moderate cardio. So yeah, your body switches fuel sources all time, like a finely-tuned machine, although most of us burn a combination of fat and sugar most of the time - it's just the exact ratio that varies. If you eat a carbohydrate-heavy diet and you eat frequently during the day, you'll notice that you get very used to a frequent influx of meals - that's because you've trained your body to run primarily on glucose, and when the last infusion is gone, your body demands more. It's also why it's hard for you to lose weight - because your body is not used to burning fat, so it never dips into its fat stores. If you were to follow a Ketogenic diet, which is composed mainly of fat, your body would be so used to using fat as a fuel source that a very slight calorie deficit would send your bloodstream running directly to your love handles. 

Your body is a machine, more intricate and beautiful than any new piece of technology out there. It's just very important to keep the maintenance up.

Your Health on the Internet

The Internet is the world's greatest way of disseminating information. That said, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. In this case specifically, the wealth of medical information available on the internet has spawned "cyberchondria" - the tendency to look up your headache and diagnose yourself with a brain tumor. Or to post a vague health complaint on a forum and find yourself inundated with dozens of different "diagnoses" from not-doctors. 

Yes, it's wonderful that there are reliable medical resources on the web. But it is not wonderful to diagnose yourself via these resources, then argue with your doctor's diagnosis, which was made via examination, testing, and, you know, actual medical knowledge. 

Don't be a cyberchondriac. Here's how: 

Seek Information, Not a Diagnosis 
If you are having weird health issues, go ahead and look them up on authentic websites. You can turn toward sites like MayoClinic, WebMD, MedlinePlus and the National Institutes of Health. Do not go into this expecting to find the final answer to your issue - at best, it may help clarify what's going on and connect your current symptoms to other things you may not have thought of. This can facilitate a better conversation with a doctor in real life. When you land on a page about your symptoms, read the "Causes" critically. Don't ignore possible causes like caffeine, insufficient sleep and acidic foods and immediately jump on TUMOR! OMG!! Because it's probably not. The reason these reputable sites are reputable is because they are thorough - they list all the possible causes. Now if only they would list the actual probability of each cause... 

Don't Argue With Your Doctor 
Once you've done your research, go see your doctor. You could always skip the research part and just make the appointment, but the fact that you're reading this speaks to the fact that you won't. So print off your checklists and whatever page has convinced you that you have multiple organ failure because this blister won't go away. Show them to your doctor, describe your symptoms, and submit to the testing. When the results come back and show that you just need better shoes, take the doctor's word for it. She has many years of training and experience behind her, she is backed up by modern technology, and that combination doesn't miss things that are going to kill you today. If you still have nagging doubts, seek a second opinion. From a doctor, not a forum. 

Don't Attempt to Treat Yourself 
This one has a caveat - if your symptoms are minor, like the flu or seasonal allergies, feel free to look up some remedies. is a reputable resource that includes all warnings, contraindications and possible interactions. But if you have symptoms that have not yet been diagnosed, don't do the guesswork yourself. See the doctor. The availability of prescription drugs from online pharmacies and the popularity of "all natural" remedies is tempting - just cut out the middleman and get right to the treatment! Except 'no', don't. Because everything you put inside you interacts with everything else. Sometimes well, sometimes badly, most of the time neutrally. But that's why it takes a doctor to decide what treatment is best for you - it's not a guessing game. You want the most effective, least harmful treatment, and the chances that the one you arbitrarily pick from a list will be the correct one are slim. 

Be Your Own Advocate, Not Your Own Doctor 
Once your doctor has given you an official diagnosis, you may return to the Internet. Look it up, see what it's all about. If it's a chronic condition, there's probably a foundation with an entire website that can offer coping and lifestyle tips. You might find some alternative treatments and dietary modifications to discuss with your doctor. You might find the stories of other people who have been through it so you know what to expect. This situation is what the reputable medical information on the Internet is for. 

It's for finding out more about your condition, not guessing which condition you have. Knowledge is power - use it for good.

Reasons Why Keeping a Pet Can Promote Good Health

Reasons Why Keeping a Pet Makes Great Sense 

You'll never be stressed 
Chilled out Dog Some may think that I'm abusing the concept of exaggeration when I say that having a pet shift+deletes the stress out of your life. Yes, the stress doesn't even stay in your brain's recycle bin, and is pushed out for good. Now, scientists have been spending mega bucks on understanding the logic behind how pets lower our stress levels. I guess they've never had their face slobbered with their dog's wet nose. I doubt if they've come home to a parakeet happily screeching a welcome song. You see, happiness is pretty contagious, and our pets are so full of it, that they can't resist passing it over to us. Is it any wonder then, that pet-assisted therapy is gaining steady momentum all over the world? Studies have shown that pet therapy has helped bring happiness to autistic children, along with those suffering from ADHD. The senior populace has also benefited from pet-assisted therapy. So, whatever your troubles may be, petting your cat or dog, or even looking at your fish calmly swimming about lowers anxiety and lends you a sense of serenity. 

You'll have a healthy heart 
Puppy holding toy heart It is true that keeping a pet involves making certain lifestyle changes. For instance, you begin to avoid late working hours as you've got to rush home to walk the dog. You start going to bed early in anticipation of waking up at 6 am to answer the persistent howling of a hungry cat or a screaming lorikeet. Slowly (and possibly against your will), you heave yourself onto a healthier lifestyle that is far more disciplined. Now, provided you supplement this with healthy eating, your metabolism gets that much required boost. The result? Your cholesterol and triglyceride levels may lower, which in turn, may also lower the risk of cardiac diseases. Didn't I just tell you how these sneaky pets manipulate you into staying healthy? 

No more fluctuations in blood pressure 
Fishbowl Our anger, anxieties, mood swings, and pressures, along with all the unhealthy mess that we eat, create a combination so wonderfully lethal, that our blood pressure levels, quite literally, begin to fluctuate at will. Since we believe these things to be beyond our control, any advise that involves meditation, dieting, or exercising is scoffed at, and we choose instead, to fall victim to the malady. Pets, being pets, come into our lives with utmost concern for our well-being. And you know what? Their mere presence brings about a change in attitude among humans. We pet them, snuggle up to them, even voice our troubles to them, and in return they pass on their calm demeanor and joie de vivre to us, helping us bid farewell to blood pressure troubles. 

You will learn to b-r-e-a-t-h-e 
True friends Anti-pet people always think that pets trigger allergic reactions, and in many cases, they do. On further examination, however, it has been observed that the presence of a pet around a newborn can actually boost the level of immunity in the child by virtue of early exposure to various allergens. Of course, the genetic makeup and other external conditions play a major role in the occurrence of illnesses, but the increased exposure to dust and allergens during infancy has its benefits. Animals don't need a college education or a Nat Geo Channel to tell them that the perfect way to live is to live harmoniously, in sync with nature. Humans, on the other hand, need all of that, plus a few more "studies" to place their faith in this simple rule of nature. 

You end up depressing depression 
Dog holding rose Have you ever wondered how the origin of every bout of sadness that we undergo, can be directly traced to a human action? We get depressed when things don't go our way, or find ourselves in a bad situation in life or at work, sinking deeper into a chasm created by loneliness. If you happen to keep a pet, notice how cathartic your pet's presence can be in such seemingly hopeless situations. Simple activities like walking your pet, grooming him, or just having him around lowers the level of cortisol hormone, known to be associated with stress. These actions also trigger the production of the "feel-good" chemical, serotonin, which may not obliterate our problems, but it at least manages to soften the blows. 

You begin to MOVE 
Standing dog Who makes you climb the farthest branch of the tallest tree on a "rescue mission"? Who makes droopy-cute eyes that coax you to go outdoors and play fetch for hours on end? Who makes you clean a tank full of not-so-dirty water, scrub it, disinfect it, and refill it every few days? It is well-known that dogs make us exercise - they make us run, jump, walk, and indulge in various activities that basically reverse our sedentary lifestyle. One may think of cats as aloof and unfriendly, but cat keepers know that they are no less, and certainly enjoy burning a few calories (no, Garfield is not the universal epitome of all cats). These cute little beasts have the power to tug at our heartstrings with one look, and we're up on our feet in a minute. What then is a workout, seems like a cakewalk, and ends up disturbing the substantial chunk of fat that we lovingly treasure inside our bodies. Should we bow to them in reverence by now? I most certainly have. 

You may live longer and happier 
Lorikeets Now, with all the exercising, early starts, deep breathing, and a healthy heart, it's going to be really tough to die early, unless you try to act suicidal. Even that is a distant possibility, given the fact that you're sharing your life with this amazing companion who - 

• does not judge you 
• does not care if you're rich/poor/handsome/ugly 
• is always happy to see you 
• will never leave your side (unless you're really, really mean) 

So you see, our pets not only contribute to stretching our lifespan, they also enrich the quality of our life with their presence. 

You'll have a perfectly synchronized body clock 
If you happen to have a pet cat or a dog, you're more or less certain to have a body clock that may rival that of a Maasai warrior. Sleeping "late" on a weekend means that you still rise up at 7 am, completely refreshed with say, an extra hour of snooze time. Those without pets have no clue what I'm talking about, as they've never had a dog or a cat giving them these kinds of "feed-me-right-now" looks (as pictured below) which make the most hardened pet keeper jump out of bed. Staring catStaring dog Even those who keep relatively docile pets like frogs, rabbits, iguanas or hamsters, tend to be so attached to them, that the very idea of missing out on the pet's meal times gives them the shivers. The point of the matter is that once you have a pet, it remains constantly on your mind. This attitude synchronizes our body clock with that of our pet, and soon enough, turns us into the early to bed, early to rise kind of people. 

Unconditional Love 
The vagaries of life usually hassle our best-laid plans in a flash. We covet certain jobs, only to be left drained and disillusioned by them, and begin to hunt for new ones. Friends help us socialize, make life's burdens a little lighter, but at times, our paths may fork. There is nothing in our life that we can be certain of, or rely on.  

That was an exaggeration, of course. You see, when your heart is paved with paw prints or feathers or even scales, you find yourself in the quiet, steely, and devoted companionship of your one true friend. Someone who doesn't care who you are, but gives you his heart, with no questions asked, as long as you've given him yours. Simple terms? It's that precious thing called unconditional love, that a pet, and only a pet can provide. It may not seem like a lot to those who've never experienced it, but to those who've had, know that their life can never be the same again. 

Animal lovers don't really need any reasons telling them why keeping a pet promotes good health. Here's a little something for those who don't keep pets - we'll always have a job that feeds us. We'll always have medicines that cure everything that ails us. We'll always have family and friends, willing to support us. But an inner corner of your heart will always remain untouched until you have a pet to warm it up.

Benefits of Care Farming

In recent years, the concept of care farming has become extremely popular. It employs farming practices for therapeutic uses. It allows people who need to recover from physical and mental problems to stay and work on a farm. Care farming is highly beneficial for individuals who need to recuperate, as a sense of mutual healing takes place when they are working with people, animals, plants, and the earth. 

Farmers may utilize the entire or part of their farms for these activities. Here they provide structured programs for farming and allied activities, along with supervised care. They not only provide social care services, but also undertake educational programs. A care farmer, or a farm therapist, also takes their daily group sessions. 

Under this program, vulnerable people are provided an opportunity to participate in the day-to-day working of the farm. They can undertake activities like crop and vegetable plantation, watering crops, woodland management, feeding the animals, etc. This largely helps individuals work on their physical and mental health. 

Need for a Care Farm 

The care farming concept has stemmed from the need for self-sufficiency among social outcasts. It also caters to the problem of lack of proper professional care facilities in rural areas. Also, due to the rise of agricultural malfunctionality, concepts like care farming are helping farmers by providing them additional income to support their families. 

Types of Care Farms 

Industrial Agriculture Care Farms Technoscientific, political, and economic methods are employed in industrial farming. It includes industrialized production of livestock, poultry, fish, and crops. Very few care farmers work in this domain. 

Organic Care Farm 

Organic farming needs manual labor and accords direct contact with plants, crops, and farm animals which is therapeutic in nature. Hence, there are a lot of organic farmers which offer care-giving services on their farms. 

Animal Sanctuaries 

These care farms provide a home for sick, abandoned, and abused animals. 

Benefits for People 

◈ Through farming activities, farmers help to provide physical and mental well-being of the people. 
 ◈ People who suffer from depression, learning disabilities, obesity, work induced stress, etc., can find solace and healing at such farms. 
◈ It is also an advisable therapeutic experience for psychiatric patients, people recovering from drug abuse, disaffected youth, and elderly people. 
◈ It also helps individuals overcome nature deficit disorder. 
◈ Implementing their time in fulfilling and productive work makes them happy. 
◈ They get time to think positively about their emotional and physical problems. 
◈ As this is a new and engaging way of life for them, people tend to de-stress at care farms. 
◈ The supportive atmosphere on the farm helps expedite their recovery. 
◈ They get much-needed time to think, and this helps them express themselves in a better way. 
◈ It isolates people from their problems. 
◈ By doing work on the farm, they also get a regular dose of physical exercise. 

Benefits for Farmers 

◈ Having guests on the farm help farmers mitigate the issues related to rural isolation. 
◈ Farmers get a deep sense of satisfaction by helping others. 
◈ A high amount of respect and value is attributed to the knowledge and skills of farmers. 
◈ It helps farmers get new sources of income. 
◈ It also helps them to have a reinforced relation with society and their end customers directly. 
 ◈ The experience of care-giving is a gratifying one, not only physically, but also emotionally. 

Benefits for Farming Businesses 

◈ It helps in increasing the number of services offered by the farm. 
◈ Care farming helps the farming community to achieve social, economical, and environmental sustainability. ◈ It helps in establishing and developing the viability of farms. 
◈ It helps in supporting and enhancing the farming business. 
◈ Farming activities help cater to the social and medical needs of various individuals. 
◈ It acts as a catalyst to encourage development of farming communities. 
◈ It has helped in drawing crowds to farms, which have lost their importance due to urbanization. 

Care farming is very popular in the United Kingdom. Many people learn to shoulder their responsibilities in a better way after undergoing one of these programs. They also feel the need to give back to nature and contribute to their community. Working on the farm helps individuals speed up their recovery and spend their time productively. This farm-based therapeutic intervention helps them harvest the benefits of rural farm life and also provides them an emotionally cathartic experience.