Saturday, July 4, 2015

How to Keep Your Heart Healthy

If you suppose being in an excellent physical condition is a sure indication of you being less vulnerable to develop heart diseases, then you may not be having a right conception after all. It is true that good levels of physical conditioning is a contributing factor in keeping your heart healthy, but it is not the only one that comes into play. In short, fitness and health may be two different subjects if we look at it with intricacy. It is not an absolute necessity that a body-builder is less prone to developing a heart disease than an average man.

Go Green
When we speak of heart, we cannot miss out on the importance and benefits of plant foods. Vegetables are an excellent source of glutamic acid. It is a class of amino acid which helps keeping blood pressure at lower levels; safe levels, so to say. What's more? Veggies lack cholesterol, fat and even calories, which otherwise tend to be the common culprits for causing heart diseases. Not to mention, the amount of vitamins and minerals that vegetables provide to the body do the most for health.

Be Active
Without the aid of daily exercise, maintaining a good overall health is just more than a daunting task. Exercises not only improve heart function, but also help in bringing down blood pressure, and cholesterol levels in the body. A mere 30 minutes stroll daily does good for the heart, if not much. It is recommended that sprinting is more beneficial for the heart, than jogging.

Reduce Oil
The next tip is about keeping oil from your diet. Although, you cannot avoid oil completely, you can keep its consumption to a small amount. Oils are a storehouse of calories and contain little nutrition. As they mostly comprise fat, they have all chances to lead to the development of plaque in the arteries thus, giving rise to some nasty heart problems. However, not all types of oil are unhealthy. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which not only help in preventing cardiovascular diseases, but also reduce instances of heat attack. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, a group of patients with cardiovascular disease had 30% less likelihood of heart attack because of omega-3 fatty acids. Best sources include salmon, mackerel and herring. Flaxseed, walnuts, and soybeans are also good sources.

Cut the Smoke
If you think you cannot shun the habit of smoking, then you might as well know that you cannot do anything good for your heart. One of the most severe risks of smoking relates to heart diseases in almost every smoker. Quit smoking, and you have done half the job in keeping your heart healthy!

Lose Weight
If your figure is slim, and belly flat, then you may have less things to worry about heart diseases. I am talking about weight loss. Being overweight puts extra load on the heart thus, increases the risk of heart conditions. So, consume less sugary foods and more of fiber and complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables. Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the basic necessities for a healthy heart today.

Add More Fiber
Fiber exists in two major groups; soluble (dissolves in water) and insoluble (does not dissolve in water). Although both the types are beneficial to health, it is the former type that does way better to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Due to its soluble nature, it binds with the cholesterol in the intestines thus, keep it from being absorbed. This keeps the level of LDL and total cholesterol down, while not affecting the HDL cholesterol level in any way. All a healthy person requires is a serving of 5 to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber in a day to avail this benefit of low cholesterol. Foods rich in this fiber include apples, peas, kidney beans, prunes, etc.

Beware of Saturated Fats It is important that you limit the amount of saturated and trans fats you consume from your food. These spike cholesterol levels in the body thus, increasing the risk of coronary artery disease. So avoid or limit consumption of food such as red meat, dairy products, coconut oil, palm oil. These are rich in saturated fatty acids. To avoid trans fats, eat less of fast foods, bakery products, snacks, crackers, and margarines. Go for foods rich in healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

Eat Less Salt
Sodium is good for the body, but in petty amounts. High salt intake means high blood pressure, which eventually points out to heart conditions. When sodium starts accumulating in the blood, it attracts water which in turn, increases the blood volume. Now to keep this blood circulating through the blood vessels, the heart has to work harder thus, causing high blood pressure. The recommended amount of sodium in the food per day must be less than 2300 milligrams.

Take the Right Medication
In most cases, heart diseases are also related to the use of drugs. So, it is important that you take medicines as prescribed by the doctors, or get them altered if necessary.

Moderate Alcohol
Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts does not harm the body. In fact, some studies show that moderate consumption provides some benefits for the heart. However, the habit of drinking is analogous to walking on thin ice. It is not difficult for any one to step out of his limit, and become a heavy drinker. So, ensure that either you stick to moderate drinking or you don't drink at all.

Manage Stress
Stress has also been known to be one of the common culprits of heart problems. Any stressful situation elevates blood pressure and this response takes its toll on the heart. So, keep yourself relaxed by practicing meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques.

To conclude, make a note of the above methods, and keep them handy in case you find it difficult to recall them. And now I would like to take your leave, as I have some sprinting to do! Take care!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What Do Your Nails Reveal About Your Health ?

Your nails are basically dead proteins, and made of keratin - the same substance that makes up the horns, hooves, and claws of animals. But human nails are different -they are just a translucent cover over a bed of soft tissue full of tiny capillaries and nerves, and therefore, reflect any physiological changes. 

Even a quick look at the color of your nails can reveal a lot to a medical practitioner. But, color is not the only indicator; white spots, grooves, and the lunula (tiny white semicircle at the base of the nails), can all say a lot about your well-being. The nails don't just expose the physical problems though, they can also uncover the mental state of the person - like stress or OCD. 

Although useful for a quick diagnosis, determining an illness or disorder should be left to a physician, who is also likely to take the help of several other diagnostic tests to accurately determine the state of your health. Nevertheless, a change in the color or texture of the nails can be indicative of several health problems, such as - 

Nutritional Deficiencies 

If you visit a physician complaining of fatigue or tiredness, he/she might first observe your hands, or fingernails to be precise. The reason for this is that, small changes in the appearance of the nails can be due to a number of nutritional deficiencies, such as - 
➤ Koilonychia - or spoon-shaped nails can be caused due to iron deficiency anemia or deficiency of vitamin B12. They can also make your nails whiter or paler as compared to their usual color. 
➤ Small white spots or lines on the nails can indicate a diet lacking in zinc. 

Fungal Infection 

Fungal infections like candida yeast or athlete's foot can make the nails discolored, turning them yellow, green, white, or even black. The infected nail or nails will also thicken and look very unsightly. They will start cracking, peeling, and the entire nail might even fall off. Frequent infections can also be indicative of a compromised immune system or other diseases, for example diabetes. 


Damaged, ugly-looking nails can also be due to psoriasis, which causes the skin to erupt in red, scaly rashes. Nail psoriasis can give a yellowish-brown color to the nails, or even separation of the nail from the nail bed, called onycholysis. Another sign of psoriasis is pitting of the nails, in which small, pin-shaped holes or pits appear on the nails. 

Liver Diseases 

Terry nails, a condition of the nails characterized by the presence of a dark band at the end of the nails, is a strong indicator of liver diseases like liver cirrhosis, although, they can also appear due to aging, heart, or kidney related conditions. 

Thyroid Problems 

The appearance of small, beaded, vertical bands on the nails can indicate thyroid problems. Brittle nails and vertical ridges are very common in people with hypothyroidism, along with dry skin, poor memory, and weight gain. 


A vertical band of blacking or brownish coloration on the nails could be the first sign of melanoma or skin cancer. Although, this can also occur due to an injury or heart condition, it is best to get it checked by a physician 

Circulatory Problems 

A bluish color of the nails could be a sign of poor circulation due to a lung condition. Deprivation of oxygen can also lead to clubbing of the hands - in which the finger pads thicken and the nails curve down around them. It can result from several heart or lung diseases, like lung cancer, tuberculosis, or cystic fibrosis. Certain heart conditions can also turn the nail bed red in color. 

Nails, thus, can offer clues regarding some minor as well as serious diseases a person may be suffering from. But, a number of conditions can alter the nails in a similar manner, and therefore, they should be used for diagnosis, keeping in mind other symptoms and diagnostic tests too.

Basic First Aid for Kids

Children should be taught about different first aid measures, both at home and at school. This helps emphasize the importance of child safety. This helps them overcome difficult situations like injuries, burns, and outdoor emergencies. First aid is all about using common sense in the hour of need. 

Basic First Aid 
Sometimes, children have to face unexpected and problematic situations like injuries, accidents, burns, heat strokes, etc. They should have some knowledge on how to deal with such situations. The following points would give us an idea thereupon. 

Dangers: If a child gets injured, his peers should have the basic know-how on how to protect him, or at least minimize the danger he is facing. If a friend has met with an accident, the first thing to be done is to inform an adult about the situation, or move him to a safer place if there is no quick help available. 

Splinters: Splinters are the most common cause of concern among children. They tend to roam around barefooted, which leaves them vulnerable. Before trying to remove a splinter, one should wash their hands to avoid any infection. One should proceed further, only if the splinter is small enough and can be removed easily. If it is deeply embedded, it should be removed only by a doctor. Administering a tetanus booster after the removal of a splinter is necessary. 

CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation): In order to perform CPR, prior training is necessary. It should be performed only if the affected person doesn't show any signs of life. In this process, the person who provides first-aid, has to press on the lower-half of the breastbone of the person in need. Compressions followed by 2 breaths complete the cycle. The cycle should be repeated until the affected person regains consciousness. 

Burns: Burns should be treated with cool water. Treating a burn injury this way reduces the sting, and helps a quick recovery. It also minimizes the damage to the skin. A blistering burn should however, be attended to by some elder person in the house. 

Cuts: These are first be cleaned with water. Children should be taught how to stop a cut from bleeding, by applying pressure. 

Poison Ivy Rash: This rash develops after one comes in contact with a poison ivy plant. Usually, such cases are often seen during outdoor camps. The treatment for such a rash includes cleaning with alcohol, followed by water. While washing with water, one should avoid using soaps. After the above two steps, a warm water shower should be taken and the rash should be cleaned with soap. Finally, any belongings that might have come in contact with the plant, should be washed and cleaned with the help of water and alcohol. This needs to be done in order to prevent further infection. 

Helpline Numbers 
Children should be aware of helpline numbers, to access the necessary help in times of emergency. Helpline numbers prove useful in dealing with a number of problems ranging from minor injuries to serious situations. At the age of 4-5 years, a child should be aware of the process of contacting emergency help. 

First Aid Courses 
First aid courses are available for children, to learn how to deal with emergency situations systematically. Compact discs with complete course packages are available in the market. These courses are beneficial, because they allow children to learn at their own pace and in the comfort of their homes. Another advantage of using such CDs is that one can refresh his knowledge about the procedures of basic first aid, as per the requirements. It is also a cost-effective way of learning. 

Thus, basic first aid knowledge comes in handy for kids while dealing with problematic situations like sunburns, injuries, and accidents.

How to Get More Energy

If you are feeling tired and spent for many hours during the course of a day, trying out some ways to get more energy may help you overcome this. It may seem like no matter what you do, that feeling of exhaustion and tiredness just won't go away. This is due to an inherent lack of energy in your system. There are certain ways to fix this problem, and almost all these ways require a drastic change in your lifestyle and habits. 

There are a lot of natural ways to get more energy in the body. It would be unwise to rely on external agents and dietary supplements to fulfill this purpose, as there are many side effects and disadvantages of doing so. It is more recommendable to fix the problem with these natural solutions instead. 

It is said that everyone should get about 8 hours of sleep every night to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Not getting enough sleep is a major cause of low energy levels, and this is something that can be enforced easily, with a little bit of time management. Getting about a half hour of sleep in the afternoon as well, will also work wonders. Keep in mind that you must not oversleep though, as this adds to the feeling of laziness and lethargy. The best way to get more energy is to simply sleep enough. 

The food you eat also plays a major part in your energy levels. Visit a dietitian and get some advice on what kind of foods you should consume on a daily basis. Some food items are high in their energy quotient, and these are the items you should be consuming. This is especially relevant when you need the extra energy while pregnant, as there are 2 bodies to be fed, instead of one. 

Anyone. who has experienced dehydration will tell you that it is a very energy-sapping experience. Lack of water can really make you weak and fragile, and drastically reduce your energy levels. To get more energy during the day, drink plenty of water. Drinking around 8 - 10 glasses a day is highly recommended, and if you are exposed to the sun more often, you must drink some more. 

Timed Meals 
Apart from the simple fact of eating healthy and nutritious food, you must also learn to eat meals at the right time. Meals that are scattered throughout the course of a day can only deplete energy levels, and in order to correct this scenario, you should eat 3 - 4 small meals at regular intervals. This keeps your body's system moving at all times, and ensures that there is always a constant supply of energy for its working. 

Many people often wonder how to regain energy after work. This is the time of day that really leaves one feeling extremely tired and exhausted, and it is advisable to perform some recreational activity after work to combat this feeling. Join a gym, play a sport, start a hobby, or perform any other task that you like doing, and that can recharge your batteries. Remember not to overwork yourself though, as this will end up in having an opposite effect. 

Increasing energy is not a difficult task once you have embraced these lifestyle changes. It involves a lot of positive thinking and optimism as well. If you are constantly unhappy about your job, your love life, or something else, it will obviously pull you down and lower your energy levels as well. You need to rethink your life and then make a conscious decision of change. You will see that all these methods are simply intertwined, and soon you will experience the positive change in you.

Natural Energy Boosters

Fatigue is something we all encounter on a regular basis. In fact, some of us feel tired and exhausted every day. The morning itself begins with a lethargic approach. With this sluggish body, how does one accomplish the tasks set forth for the day? On days when our body just doesn't seem to be cooperating, we turn to coffee for energy, little realizing that the energy provided by coffee is only short-lived. What's even worse is all this intake of coffee can end up in caffeine addiction, blood sugar fluctuations and adrenal gland depletion. Now that we know why coffee is not a good choice for energy-boosting, let's have a look at some natural energy boosters for women and men that will help replenish the body's energy levels. 

Walks and Stretches 
Walking for 5-10 minutes outdoors helps revitalizing the body. If you're at work and do not have the time to go for a short walk, try out some stretches. Gently stretching your arms and legs also helps. 

Deep Breathing 
When you are tired and stressed, deep breathing is really helpful. In the seated position, take one deep breath slowly counting till four. Then hold your breath for a second and slowly count to four as you exhale the air through your mouth. Perform this exercise 8-10 times a day and find your body more energetic than before. 

Bee Pollen 
Bee pollen is a natural energizer and furnishes the body with great energy and vitality. This is because bee pollen is loaded with proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, essential vitamins and minerals. In fact bee pollen is believed to be more nutritious than any other food item on the planet. It comprises 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, 18 enzymes, at least 16 vitamins, plant hormones and natural antibiotic factors. However, people allergic to bee pollen should keep a safe distance from it. 

Eat a Banana 
Bananas are wonderful energy-boosting fruits. These fruits provide instant energy to the body. Bananas contain three natural sugars: fructose, sucrose and glucose, thereby providing maximum energy to the body. In fact, they are one of those few fruits containing both simple and complex carbohydrates. The simple carbohydrates give you instant energy, while the complex carbohydrates give you endurance. Bodybuilders working out are often asked to consume a banana everyday. 

Dates are loaded with essential nutrients like amino acids, sulfur, calcium, fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, manganese, copper and potassium. They are also loaded with essential vitamins. Dates are known as power packs due to the 29 grams of natural sugars (glucose, sucrose and fructose), 31 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of dietary fiber within them. Thus, these tiny date fruits can be appropriately described as an energy-boosting dry fruit. 

24 Hour Fast 
The body consumes one-third of its energy on food digestion and elimination of body wastes. By fasting for a day and drinking only liquids like water and fresh organic juices, will give your body system, a break from the routine work of digestion and elimination. This energy not utilized for digestion will then be diverted to disease-fighting and toxin elimination. So basically you are closing down the kitchen; and since the cooks are free with nothing to do, they go and guard the house, killing intruders! 

Smoothies are healthy and tasty ways of pepping up your body. The mango tango is an interesting smoothie that furnishes the body with good complex carbohydrates that keep the body energized and revitalized for several hours. To prepare this just take one cup diced mango, ½ cup plain yogurt, ½ cup milk and one scoop whey protein. Blend and have. The vitamin C and potassium in the mango will help protect the brain and nervous system. There are several smoothie recipes that you can try out to energize your body. 

Don't expect to be all energetic and pepped up if you follow a poor diet plan. Your body needs nutrition, which is why you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Moreover, don't forget to drink more than two liters of water everyday. Moderate exercise and cutting caffeine intake will also help.

How to Increase Energy Levels

There are days when I have to struggle to pull myself out of bed. On those days, the alarm clock is my worst enemy, the sun I hate, and I realize truly how much I love that warm blanket covering me. The day then drags on and on while all I do is try to form a semblance of normalcy in the way I carry about the day's activities. And that... my friends, is the time I realize my energy levels are really, really low. 

If something like this has ever happened to you and you need to know how to increase your energy levels naturally, give this following piece a read. 

Increasing Energy Levels Naturally 

You'd think that there are only those synthetically manufactured energy drinks that help to increase your energy levels, but there you would be wrong. There are many, many natural ways to increase energy levels and given below are some of the most effective ones. 

Exercises of any kind are beneficial to the overall health of a human being, most of us already know that one. Exercises lead to increasing the blood flow, which helps to clear away toxins and increase your energy levels naturally by helping all the organs and bodily functions to work efficiently. One of the most effective exercise types that are focused mainly on increasing stamina are aerobic exercises. Include these in your routine and you'll see the change in your energy levels almost instantly. 

There's a reason why they say you should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night. That rest is essential for repairing the wear and tear that takes place in the body throughout the day. It helps to energize the brain cells and recuperate them for the next day's activity. Notice how on a night when you do not get enough rest and there is lack of sleep, the next day is spent in half a daze. The effects of lack of sleep result in a dip in efficiency and productivity of all the bodily functions along with hitting hard on the energy levels. Getting proper and peaceful sleep for a good 7-8 hours is an instant way of increasing energy levels in the body. 

There are certain foods that you should avoid and some high energy foods that you should include in your diet for a boost and increase in energy levels. Even though stimulants like tea and coffee give you an instant kick, it only lasts for a few minutes and in the long run they drain away the nutrients and result in lack of energy. However, there are certain foods that increase energy levels and should be included in your diet. Some of the foods that give you energy are―eggs, fruits and vegetables (different kinds and not the same variety everyday), and water. Make sure that you include proteins (yogurt, fish) and lean meat in your meals and never skip breakfast. Try to avoid processed foods, excess sugar, and alcohol as they are instant energy sappers. 

Other Factors 
Here are some other factors that you should be looking into in order to increase your energy levels: 
  • Practice yoga or deep breathing exercises that calm your mind and help in rejuvenation. 
  • Check for medical conditions. Many medical conditions cause fatigue and tiredness. 
  • Eliminate stress from your life. 
  • Do not overwork. 
  • Take necessary supplements like vitamins for energy and others that may not be provided for in the diet that you consume. 
  • Protect yourself from the pollution and extreme change in climates. 
  •  Include any form of recreation in your routine. 
So then that is how you can increase the energy levels in your body the natural way and stay fit and fine. Take each new day as it comes and greet the morning sunshine.

Cold Shower Benefits

Some of us find it hard enough to get up in the morning and push ourselves to take a bath. The thought of a cold shower at that is even more unappealing. However, there are many benefits of taking a cold shower. 


Pumps Up the Circulatory System 
When our skin comes into contact with cold water, it leads to cutaneous vasoconstriction, which means that the blood vessels on the surface of the skin contract and push blood to the inner organs. This helps improve circulation to vital organs. This circulation rate helps to push toxins out of the body, making the heart work more efficiently. Some people say that alternating between hot and cold water helps to maintain circulation in both, inner organs as well as on the skin. 

Healthy Skin and Hair 
Very hot water tends to make the skin and hair dry. The hair and skin is protected from excessive drying by a layer of sebum, which is secreted by glands on the skin. When we take a bath with hot water, we tend to strip the skin of sebum. This makes the skin dry, and the hair brittle and dandruff- prone. This may even lead to permanent hair damage. Also, when hot water falls directly onto the skin, the skin pores open up. There are higher chances of having clogged pores, if these open pores are exposed to air and dust without closing. Clogged pores are a far cry from healthy skin, and you may even end up getting acne because of this. 

Improve Fertility 
Cold showers are said to increase fertility in men. The testes are outside the body because sperm cannot bear the body temperature. So, when a man takes a hot bath on a regular basis, it leads to a decrease in the number of sperm, and their motility rate. Thus, if you've been having problems with your sperm count, you may want to try taking a cold shower on a regular basis. 

Wake up Call 
The chill of the cold water will wake you up, especially when you are new to this practice. Thanks to the increased circulation in the body, you will feel energetic. 

This may seem like an uncomfortable and strange proposition for you initially, but once you get used to it, you'll find it hard to switch back to warm baths. If you can't directly start with a cold shower, then start with warm water and gradually switch to cold water. There are some conditions where you may not want to take cold showers; if you live in a cold surrounding, you should never take a cold shower and then step into a cold room. Similarly, if you happen to be a heart patient or suffer from arteriosclerosis, then do not opt for cold showers. Otherwise, you may try a cold shower for its various benefits.